
Life is about balance. I cannot give a part of myself to everyone and still expect to be whole when I return home.

I can learn to keep more parts for myself. With that comes a needed acceptance. An acceptance that there will be more distance.

I might sense space as silence,

I might interpret ‘I cannot’ as rejection,

I might notice discomfort in feeling more clear,

I might yearn to fill the space.

There’s a fear that the closer I step towards myself, the further I distance from others. We’re told to ‘manifest’, ‘ask for what you want’, ‘there’s no list too long’, ‘you can live it all’, ‘all you need is to believe, act and GO’, ‘everything you want in your hands’.

Where’s the manifesting cues for mental maintenance? For deepening your connection with yourself and learning others?

I desire a quiet life. Yet also crave a world that reflects that. A world where the noise dial is turned down. Where the joys we shout from the roof are joys from our love for others. 🤎


Suburbia: where the nature is honest, and peoples’ opinions are even more so


My first doula journey: from ‘novice to expert’